We love working with Oxbow. Why? Good Beer and Pizza!

—Really, we like working with the Oxbow Brewing company because they appreciate the beauty in a rough-sawn hemlock frame. This frame had originally been designed for another location, so you may notice the unique footprint and overhangs. We think it looks great here.

This frame called for metal rod in order to support the long roof. Custom square washers were installed rather than traditional round washers to enhance the look.

We often use white oak pegs for our timber frames. They are durable and strong allowing us to pull a joint tight with what is referred to as a draw-bore. White oak pegs were used in this frame and we left the peg tip intact for a traditional look.

Heritage Natural Exterior Finish was used on all our projects with Oxbow. Its toxin free, an excellent preservative and really pops on hemlock.


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